most intelligent teammate? I thought there was an endless list for this, with so many having been to university, however new discoveries have made me realise this means aboslutely nothing! Daley is a wise old owl tho!
Thickest teammate? Ryan Otterwell - only because after one and a half seasons thru the FPL the young lad still thinks he needs to make transfers both for saturday and sunday games, what a waste of points!
Whose the joker? Scotty Coupland & Ronnie Drabble gets the class clown awards, Johno has the most articulate banter tho (i must admit the dictionary has been dusted off for me to understand a few forum comments)

Best dressed? On a sunday morning i couldn't name anyone! Nights out arnt much better either, for example socks over trainers will not get you into a nightclub.
Worst dresser? Will Carter, has the best gear i must admit with endless wardrobes, but wears them terribly hanging off his monty burns statue, also owns a great jockey outfit!
Team pisshead? Without stating the obvoius King piss-head, Will Carter. A close second must be given to Jaz (ledley dhing) Dhinsa, as for not only owning his very own Jazz Bar, he loves to get thru a bottle ov obscure gins, whiskies, etc.... on a regurlar basis
Hardman? Mayhem after a few pints get extreamly violent in the wilkinson household, and is never wrong! Also i'd imagine Rash is very courageous!!!
Worst taste in music? Can't imagine Wardy's ipod is upto much
Longest in the shower? Must without doubt go to Mark Brewer, he goes thru no end of shower gel!