this weeks player in the spotlight on teammates is Will Carter:
- most intelligent teammate?
On football knowledge i'd have to say Jaz but for general knowledge Moley's fairly switched on about most things. Kip's also ridculously bright.
I'm probably up there but there are a few Si Cliffords knowledge on footballs pretty shocking. But Scholesys not the sharpest knife in the draw.
long list of candidates, I am a joke first thing in the morning and for about 45 minutes of the game. everyones got pretty good banter Craig Wilkinson is a potential joker. Daleys a bit of a card. but if i had to name someone I'd go with Scotty.
Boweys got some decent gear your classic All saints polo and jeans combination usually. Scottys into his fashion aswell.
I like to mix it up a bit which some people arent to sure about. I think Rossco would get my vote, dont get me rong he scrubs up well for a night out but the amount of rascal Rangers and Scotland gear he has is ridiculous.
I dont tend to drink so I dont really take alot of notice. But living with Ronnie I think that lads got a problem.

Difficult one I wouldn't say any of us are particularly "hard". Noticed a real change in Bow after he got out of jail think he had to toughen up when he was inside. Stocksy gets angry alot! Wouldnt want to be on the end of a punch from Luke Clifford. And then theres Mayhem, He'll start on his own shadow after he's had a few!

definatley Rossco, some of his Scottish albums are ridiculous.
Half the lads dont even bother having a shower which is pretty minging but i'll say Scotty...... Because he washes his boots aswell.
Next week on teammates James Drabble