Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Bowey questions arrest

Midfielder unhappy to have reputation tarnished

Welton Sports & Social Clubs Tom Bowey has questioned the police investigation into alleged football corruption after the player was released from bail earlier this week. Welton winger Bowey was released from bail on Friday by officers investigating allegations of football corruption. Bowey had been arrested last September by officers from the City of Lincoln Police on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud. The arrest surrounded a £18,000 loan given to Bowey by the player's agent Andy Otterwell with the agent defending his decision to give the player the loan. The 22-year-old has now been cleared of any wrongdoing and the Leeds businessman is unhappy that the whole matter has painted him in a bad light. Bowey also believes the incident affected his position at Welton with the club bringing in Craig Wilkinson during the January transfer window. "I am happy that I have been cleared of any wrongdoing and I always knew I would be," Bowey told Welton news. "When I was arrested I was amazed by all the media coverage with the news on the television and on the front and back pages of the papers. Tears"My family were in tears when I was arrested and I found it very difficult to explain to them what was happening when I had done nothing wrong in the first place. "I did not know what was going on and it affected my position at Welton. "When I was released from bail this week there was no coverage in the press. "I was portrayed in a bad light to people in the public because when they see someone arrested they don't know the facts and just see someone arrested, when in fact I did nothing wrong."
Bowey faces an uncertain future at Welton this summer and the player feels his arrest has affected his long-term position. "The investigation affected me as I was forced to spend two days in the cells for nothing," the Deloitte Businessman explained. "I love Welton and playing in the Premier League, but I find the policing in Lincolnshire very strange."