Sunday, 28 September 2008

Mack attacked!

Welton S&SC boss Al Taylor has reacted angrily to a statement made by assistant manager Mack Sawyer when Sawyer publicly condoned Saturday night drinking.

“He’s undermined me!” Taylor fumed to the Welton news

“He’s come out and said that theirs nothing wrong with having a beer the night before a game against weaker opposition.”

“We’re in the Premier League and no games are easy and if we want to win this league we have got to have all our players operating at full capacity every week.”

Sawyers comments made last week came just hours after co assistant manager Lee Coupland and Boss Taylor had reinforced their stance on the clubs zero tolerance rule on Saturday drinking.

Taylor is concerned that Sawyer is not setting a good example to the squad and is worried that Sawyers words will be ringing in the Welton Players ears next Saturday night. The night before Welton face Fairdeal Carpets in the County Cup.

“I’m worried about some of my boys next weekend. We don’t know a great deal about Fairdeal Carpets but they are a potential banana skin. A lot of my lads drink far too much anyway and one lad in particular is bordering on being an alcoholic! I expect better of Mack.”

Taylor refused to identify the player he fears could be an alcoholic but it doesn’t take a genius to work out that he is talking about Joe Drabble after the Welton forward admitted to starting his Saturday off with a couple of Whiskys for ‘medicinal’ purposes